
A happy man says to his love

I want to make you lucky. If you don't want to be, Then I'll make somebody else lucky.

Clearly confused

I know I'm clear. Clear about what? I'm clear that I don't know what to do next. Are you confused? Not exactly, but I must say I'm clearly confused.

Help your self

The path to, Self-improvement, Self-realization, And better self-ies, Is being Selfless .

Limitations are Your Opportunities

Imperfections are telling a story If you are good at pointing at others, You are also good at pointing your own flaws.  Between being cool and fool Anybody can be quick and comment, Why be anybody, when you can be somebody special.  
Speechless to the generosity of her character; Worship the kindness of her soul; Spellbound to the magic in her words. Timeless is her beauty; Sparks fly when she rolls her eyes; Beautiful lies are worth the blush.
RUNNING COMMENTARY According to science, we will become what we regularly speak. More the number of times you repeat what you really want more clearer the path appears to be. This is not restricted to your spoken word, it can also be your thoughts, imaginations and feelings.  Beyond this, there is something that is so powerful but often goes unnoticed. This is our self talk. Sometimes, Sun doesn't appear so bright, Many times, utter silence enchants around before a downpour. But, Every time, your inner voice determines the person you are going to be.  And guess what inner voice is a conscious decision.  So, its is you who sees the person in you first before everyone notices.  That continuous fall of word is a RUNNING COMMENTARY.  It can lift your spirit as high as touching the sky. And it can even pull you down, burning you to ashes. Have you ever imagine a day without affording the luxury of even a single negative thought.  Imagine it.  That will be a day you