
Showing posts from 2015
Half past the year, its wedding season, Marriages are made in heaven without reason; Men like their marital status before marriage, Women adore it after; It's true that husbands are sometimes wrong, It's false that wives are sometimes right;  It's difficult to clap with one hand, It's much more difficult to complete life without holding a hand.
Poem::: I will be AIR; To reach your heart sooner. I will be WATER; To fill more than 70% of you. I will be FIRE; To burn things that made you drop a tear. I will be SKY; To show you the beauty of dawn and dusk. I will be EARTH; To build your life that's no less than awesome.
Poem : I never believed that angels existed ; But changed my opinion after I met her. Moments without her presence; Kills me faster than poison. I dreamt of a life with her; That was the most joyful color ever seen. *** These are my original writings please do not use them to avoid publication issues ***