
Showing posts from 2019

Unforgettable today

I have exactly heard what I needed the most. "Keep experimenting to find your fit" "Your work, your built will speak, not your basic knowledge"

A happy man says to his love

I want to make you lucky. If you don't want to be, Then I'll make somebody else lucky.

Clearly confused

I know I'm clear. Clear about what? I'm clear that I don't know what to do next. Are you confused? Not exactly, but I must say I'm clearly confused.

Help your self

The path to, Self-improvement, Self-realization, And better self-ies, Is being Selfless .

Limitations are Your Opportunities

Imperfections are telling a story If you are good at pointing at others, You are also good at pointing your own flaws.  Between being cool and fool Anybody can be quick and comment, Why be anybody, when you can be somebody special.